Dyersburg City Board acts on zoning issues; accepts scoreboard bid

Wednesday, October 9, 2024
State Gazette photo/William Northcutt


Staff Reporter

The Dyersburg City Board of Mayor and Aldermen met on Monday night, October 7, to approve several items concerning district and to decide on a $19,794 bid for new scoreboards for the softball fields. Comments beginning and ending the meeting expressed prayers and concern for those affected by the recent hurricane and those who will be affected by Hurricane Milton

Attending were Mayor John Holden, Aldermen-at-Large Edward Burks, Rick Crawford, and Vanedda Webb, and ward Aldermen James Baltimore, Willie Cole, Ricky Hammond, Joey Harrison, and Dennis Moody. Also attending was City Recorder Scott Ball.

After recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, Cole thanked God “for the opportunity to serve the people of our community.” He prayed for those affected by Hurricane Helene in East Tennessee and other states. With occasional pauses due to emotion, Cole asked for protection for those who protect and serve those citizens and in this community. He concluded by invoking God to help the board to make “the right decisions for all our citizens, rich and poor.”

Baltimore motioned to approve minutes from the previous meeting, Cole seconded, and motion carried.

Holden presented zoning items which had been recommended for approval by the Planning Commission. The first called for a notice of public hearing for an ordinance amending the city’s zoning map, changing the zoning of property at 600 Fakes Avenue from R-2 (medium density residential) to R-3 (high density residential). Holden asked for approval to make notice of a public hearing on the matter, on October 21. Moody made the motion, Baltimore seconded, and the motion carried.

Next, Holden brought before the board a notice of resolution, with a plan of services, a portion of property at 396 Jenkinsville-Jamestown Road. Holden entertained a motion to approve, made by Crawford and seconded by Harrison.

The final zoning item called for a notice of public hearing for rezoning the property at 396 Jenkinsville-Jamestown Road from Dyer County FAR (forest, agriculture, residential) to R-1A (medium density single family residential) district. Harrison motioned to approved, Hammond seconded. All voted for the motion.

While the board discussed a total of four bids, only one required action. This was a bid for $19,794.08 from BSN Sports, LLC, Dallas, Texas, scoreboards for the softball fields at the Activity Center. Holden noted that while the scoreboards were not in the Recreation Department’s budget, as allowed, it moved funds and used those for the scoreboards. Hammond made a motion to approve, Baltimore seconded, and the motion carried with no further discussion.

In quick order, three bids were mentioned that had already been approved in budgets:

Engineering Department--a Topcon GPS system for engineering, an update to the current GPS system, the bid awarded to Earl Dudley, LLC, Birmingham, Alabama, for $19,000.

Police Department—Taser/Axon program and supplies (annual subscription for tasters), the bid awarded to Axon Enterprises, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona, for $27,9000, from a budgeted amount of $29,800.

Sanitation Department—Repairs to dozier after dozier failure, the bid awarded to Thompson Machinery, Jackson, TN, for $19,228.27.

Aldermen’s reports:

Baltimore asked, “Are they still paving any?” Holden responded, “They’re still patching. They haven’t started paving yet, but they do have the street list.” Baltimore also said, “I hope that we’ll pray for those people—Florida’s going to get hit tomorrow.”

Cole asked, “Is there a blueprint of what the gym’s going to look like at Future City?” “Yes sir,” Holden answered, “at City Hall.” Ball remarked, “They’re going to break ground next week.” He noted that they’re getting ready to “lay slab” and that construction will see steel going up in early January. “That’s quick,” said Cole.

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