DMS announces Trojans of the Week

Thursday, October 10, 2024
Photo/ courtesy of DMS

6th Grade

Maya Angelou said, “Nothing can dim the light that shines from within” and 6C’s Trojan of the Week shines bright!

Our Trojan of the Week works hard from the moment she walks into the team area to the moment she leaves for the day. She stands tall in the classroom, is very mindful of her schoolwork, and has a consistently great attitude. She gets along with her classmates and never shies away from lending a helping hand. This student is an active member of the Trojan Band where she plays the tuba. She also has lots of pets, including her newest one - a chinchilla! In her spare time, she likes to draw and roller skate. We have no doubt that with her strong work ethic, her dream of becoming a doctor will one day be a reality. 6C teachers are proud to announce Ta’Liyah Ragland as our Trojan of the Week!

7th Grade

Team 7C is proud to nominate ARELY TORRES as Trojan of the Week. Arely has so many qualities that make her a great asset to DMS, and we can not say enough great things about her. Arely is friendly, helpful, dependable, and trustworthy. She is also one of the hardest workers who pays attention to detail, resulting in making good grades and being in the Beta Club. One of the things we love the most about Arely is her self-control and calm, quiet demeanor. Arely, you are an outstanding example of a DMS Trojan, and we are so proud to have you on our team!

8th Grade

8c’s Trojan of the Week is a well-rounded student who is involved in many activities, a great student in class and around her peers, brings energy and enthusiasm when learning, and always strives to do her best. From pigs to pageants, the activities she is involved in include Beta Club, FCA, cheer, volleyball, yearbook staff, and FFA. Congratulations Jill Meadows on being 8C’s Trojan of the Week!

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