DMS celebrates Trojans of the Week

Thursday, October 3, 2024
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John C. Maxwell said, "A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way." 6B's Trojan of the Week sets an excellent example for everyone in our team. He is organized and stays on top of his class assignments, homework, and extra credit opportunities. He never fails to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. Since coming to DMS, he has made many friends because he always has a smile to share, a great attitude, and makes sure everyone feels included. We know our Trojan of the Week will do great things here at DMS! 6B is proud to have Everett Tyus on our team and as our Trojan of the Week.


There's a saying that "Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard." 7B's Trojan of the Week just so happens to have BOTH talent and hard work! Our Trojan of the Week's talents stretch across the volleyball court where a winning play gets made just in time for a quick uniform change and a run over to compete in soccer to score a goal there, too- sometimes all in the same night. Beyond her talents and hard work in soccer and volleyball, she has shown hard work and talent in band and choir, all while already meeting her AR goal and maintaining good grades in class, where she works hard, volunteers responses, and is a kind friend to all of her teammates. Congratulations, Gabby Campbell! Your infectious smile and quiet determination have been such a joy to witness these 9 weeks. We cannot wait to see what all you continue to accomplish as you continue working hard and sharing your talents with the world around you. The sky is truly the limit, and we are so proud to have you on Team 7B!


Helpful and intuitive are two words that come to mind with 8B's Trojan of the week. This humble young lady sees a need and steps up to help without having to be asked. Additionally, she is a kind friend to her classmates, works hard to correct work to ensure understanding, and has assisted many times in helping other students understand assignments and work. When she isn't helping in the classroom, she is shining on the volleyball court helping her team to the best of her ability. It is an honor to name Katherine Ramirez as Trojan of the Week for team 8B.

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