City Planning Commission, Zoning Appeals Board okays rezonings, appeal

Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Planning Commission

The Dyersburg Municipal-Regional Planning Commission met on September 12, greenlighting two items, one at Fakes Avenue, the other at Jenkinsville-Jamestown Road.

Attending commission members included Chairman Eddie Burks, Mayor John Holden, Tony Dement, Mark Oakes, Paul Newbill, and Sherry Guthrie. Absent were Brian Ramm, James Baltimore, and Megan Brooks. Others present included Planner Joren Dunnavant, City Engineer Tiffany Heard, Tim Ware, Rusty Norville, and Craig Barron.

First up was a request to rezone property at 600 Fakes Avenue from R2 (residential 2) to R3, requested by Craig Barron applicant, and the owner. Dunnavant recommended approval. Newbill motioned to approve, Dement seconded, and all voted in favor.

The commission then took up annexation and rezoning at Jenkinsville-Jamestown Road. The request asked property zoned Forest, Agriculture, Residential (FAR) to be annexed and rezoned to R1A. The request came from Rusty Norville, applicant for owners AMI, Inc. Dunnavant recommended approval. Holden made the motion, which was seconded by Guthrie and passed unanimously.

With no further business, this meeting adjourned.

Board of Zoning Appeals

Attending this meeting were board members Chairman Craig Barron, Mark Oakes, Jason Harper, and Jimmy Cooper. Also attending was City Planner Joren Dunnavant.

At this meeting, Caitlin Lombardo had requested a variance from the City of Dyersburg Zoning Ordinance to allow a reduction of the minimum 10 feet grade to the lowest point of sign requirement. Dunnavant recommended approval. Harper made the motion, Cooper seconded, and the motion carried. The meeting then adjourned.

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