CLB elects officers, approves plaque for Childress, passes Keep Dyer County Beautiful resolution

Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Reappointed Chair of the CLB John Uitendaal
State Gazette photo/William Northcutt


Staff reporter

On Monday, September 9, the Dyer County Legislative Body (CLB) approved honoring former commissioner, the late Don Childress, with a plaque at Bogota Fire Department. They passed a resolution allowing the environmental all-volunteer trash pick-up group Keep Dyer County Beautiful to affiliate with Keep Tennessee Beautiful and, by default, the organization Keep America Beautiful. Finally, the CLB gave the Sheriff’s Department a green light to sell surplus vehicles.

Attending were Commissioners Chair John Uitendaal, Vice-Chair Debbie Bradshaw-Hart Greg Vestal, Larry Shawver, Brandon Dodds, Bradley Gray, Steve Moore, Robert Kirby, Pam Newell, Doug Singleteary, Jimmy Hester, Steve Sartin, Terry McCreight, Victor McLin, Hunter Jackson, James T. “Bubba” Cobb, Mark Korn, Dob Johnson, and Kim “Peck” Peckenpaugh. Debra Roberson and Mayor David Quick were unable to attend.

Others attending included Dyer County Sheriff Jeff Box, County Clerk Diane Moore and Dyer County Staff: Building Inspector Dale Dozier, Finance Director Amy Perkins, Accounts Director Cari Jones, and Administrative Assistant Beverly Ellington.

After a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance, Uitendaal asked for prayers for Quick, who was “under the weather.” Prayers went out to for Debra Roberson because of a sick family member.

The CLB then nominated and voted unanimously to reappoint Uitendaal as chair and Bradshaw-Hart as vice-chair.

Quick sent a message asking that agenda item recognizing the recently deceased John Hamilton be delayed until the next CLB meeting. Quick had also asked for a delay in appointing District Attorney Danny Goodman to the Opioid Abatement Council, but Singleteary objected to the delay, and all commissioners chose to approve the appointment.

Among other items passed: the reappointment of Brent Neal to the Dyer County Board of Zoning Appeals and the reappointment of Steve Sartin, Jimmy Hester, and Mark Korn to the Finley Ditch Committee for another two-year term.

Chairman Dodds of the Local Government Committee brought before the CLB an item passed in that committee, placing a plaque honoring Don Childress at the Bogota Fire Department. With Dodds’s motion and Jackson’s second, the plaque was approved.

Also passed in the Local Government Committee and brought before the CLB was the item for a resolution between Keep Dyer County Beautiful and Keep Tennessee Beautiful The all-volunteer Dyer County group holds litter and trash dumping events. Dozier noted that although he designated a $1,500 line item in the Sanitation budget, the affiliation would cost the county no money. He noted that in 2023 they met three times for litter pickup and in 2024, twice so far. He said that the group also manned a public education booth at the fair.

The last actionable item on the agenda asked the CLB’s approval for Box to sell surplus vehicles. Each of the vehicle but one has clocked over 100,000 miles. Peckenpaugh asked which budget item would receive proceeds from the sale. Box answered that the money would go into the drug fund. Chair of the Law Enforcement Committee Peckenpaugh made a motion to approve, Shawver seconded, and the motion carried.

Concluding the meeting, Jackson noted that the 2024 Dyer County Fair had been successful with attendance up 10-12%. Uitendaal thanked the commissioners for their “trust” in him by reappointing him as chair. He noted that the commissioners “put in many long hour…many extra hours.” The meeting then adjourned.

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