Tennessee Highway Patrol to set up driver license checkpoint

Monday, August 26, 2024


The Tennessee Highway Patrol will be conducting a driver license roadside safety checkpoint on August 30 on State Route 104 East at the intersection of US Highway 412 in Dyer County. Recognizing the danger presented to the public by unqualified drivers, troopers will concentrate their efforts on vehicles being operated by drivers who violate the driver license laws of Tennessee. The Tennessee Highway Patrol has found driver license roadside safety checkpoints to be an effective means of enforcing the driver license laws of Tennessee, while ensuring the protection of all motorists.

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  • Unfortunately a drivers license does not equate a qualified driver. We would be better served if they started pulling over people who don't use turn signals, on the phone or insist upon running down the left lane when not passing... and carrying uncovered trash loads.

    -- Posted by Artsoap@69 on Mon, Aug 26, 2024, at 10:49 AM
  • I agree with the person above comments

    -- Posted by mjowers on Mon, Aug 26, 2024, at 3:58 PM
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