Dyersburg Electric to begin utility pole inspections; Dixon appointed as new secretary

Friday, June 28, 2024
Robbie Richards runs his first Power Board meeting after being announced as Dyersburg Electric’s new president. Former president Steve Lane will remain on for a year as an outside contractor.
State Gazette photo/Rachel Townsend



The Power Board Committee convened Wednesday, June 26, for a brief meeting to discuss audit results, financials, and the appointment of Danielle Dixon as the new secretary/director of finance for Dyersburg Electric System [DES].

Present: Board members present included Chairman David Hayes, Walt Bradshaw, Rawlin Fowlkes, and Dennis Moody.

Absent: Tommy Allmon

Others in attendance were City Attorney John Lannom, DES President/CEO Robbie Richards, Dyersburg Electric V.P. of Finance/Secretary Danielle Dixon, DES V.P. of Construction and Maintenance Jake Weatherly, and DES V.P. of Information Technology Alan Davis.

Opening the meeting, Richards introduced Dixon to the board, requesting the board appoint her to a new position of incoming secretary. A motion was made by Moody and seconded by Bradshaw. The motion passed with none opposed. Dixon will be filling the role vacated by Richards upon his promotion to president of DES.

The board shared their praise of DES' recent audit. The audit gave DES high marks, noting only one safety concern regarding a non-slip safety pad on a ladder. The board commended the DES crew and leadership for its outstanding work and regard for workplace safety.

Richards took time to discuss monthly power usage trends, current pay options for consumers, and May revenues. Richards noted $2.8M in revenue for May, with $2.5M in expenses for a profit margin of roughly 13%.

Residents who see DES workers digging around various utility poles this summer need not worry. Weatherly says workers are only inspecting poles for damage, wear and tear. Weatherly shared that utility pole inspections were coming soon. He said workers would inspect roughly 1,000 poles by the end of summer and into early fall. Weatherly also commented on upcoming substation repairs in the Fowlkes community.

When asked how many poles were expected to be replaced this year, Weatherly replied that only 10 poles needed replacement.

During the inspection period, Richards said electric department workers would likely be seen digging around various poles across town.

Other business:

*Bradshaw motioned to approve $698.88 in uncollectable debt charge-off. Fowlkes seconded the motion, with none opposed.

*Bradshaw motioned to approve $11,750.65 in uncollectable property damage charge-off. Moody seconded the motion, with none opposed.

*Fowlkes motioned to approve the update of signatories for petty cash. Bradshaw seconded the motion, with none opposed.

*Fowlkes motioned to approve the Dyersburg Electric System 2024-25 budget. Moody seconded the motion, with none opposed.

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  • So what are the current usage trends and consumers options for payment

    -- Posted by Artsoap@69 on Fri, Jun 28, 2024, at 1:07 PM
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