
Life needs an undo button

Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Clayton Hayes is a lifelong resident of Dyer County.

How often have we thought, “Boy, I sure wish I had kept my mouth shut,” or “If I had it to do over, I would not have done that!”

Have you ever wondered if tackling life matters was as easy as working on a computer? Most programs permit you to undo something with a button or hit Ctrl+Z on your keyboard, allowing you to back up and start over.

In life, we better pay attention and be careful with everything we do, say, or even think.

Can your life relate to this? In real life, we have the magic word “Sorry”. This word has been integral to our lives since we arrived on Earth. We have realized that it means regret or penitence, but “Sorry does not make a dead man alive!”

Life needs an “Undo” button.

Imagine a button that erases all your mistakes right after you’ve made them. A simple button that immediately undoes the words you didn’t mean to say or deletes anything you weren’t proud of.

Like that computer button, this undo button in real life will get you to a point where you’re satisfied with the anticipated results, and there are no signs of a mistake.

Now, this sounds exciting. No mistakes in 2024? Wow!

However, life doesn’t work this way, as we won’t get to erase what we’ve said, done, or thought.

This year, we could use our smartphones to note all the things we would like to undo at the end of each day. It might give each of us a heads up on the next day’s reactions in our lives.

Think about this. In an ideal world, we would be granted three undo button actions each day that we could use at our discretion. This undo button would act just like the Ctrl+Z action on our computer keyboard.

Once you click it, the action that proceeded that faulty moment will disappear, as it simply didn’t happen. No one will have the power to save, remember, or print it out.

That undo button would help relationships last longer and provide a new positive outlook for our future.

That might help us to focus on never doing the same old thing again instead of dwelling on the negative results of our past decisions.

God has granted each of us the opportunity to make free choices in life. As we look back at what happened last year, we can all visualize there were times that we wanted an Undo button to hit in different situations to get back on the right track. Sometimes, we fail to hit that button and suffer through the dire consequences, often related to what they call a learning experience.

It’s 2024, and we are where we are at this moment in time. We understand who we are and why we were put here on earth. Some may take weeks or months to realize that. Either way, life has presented us with time to make choices that will affect our lives and those around us.

If given a chance this year, think before you hit that Undo button. Maybe at the time, it might seem like a great idea and way of escape, but on the other hand, it could be your undoing.

Remember, that undo button can work both ways in life.
