Dickson Regional Livestock Center, Dickson, TN

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Weighted Average Report for Monday Mar 25, 2019

Cattle Receipts:  1212          Last week: 2006        Last year: 736 

Compared to same sale last week, Slaughter 2.00 to 4.00 lower. Bulls 5.00 lower. 
Steers and bulls steady to 5.00 higher. Heifers under 500 lbs 2.00 to 5.00 
higher, over 500 lbs steady to 2.00 higher. 

Feeders 1035            Slaughter 132          Replacements 45

Please note
The USDA LPGMN price report is reflective of the majority of classes and grades 
of livestock offered for sale. There may be instances where some sales do not 
fit within reporting guide lines and therefore will not be included in the 
report. Prices are reported on a cwt basis, unless otherwise noted.

Slaughter cows made up 11 percent of the offering, slaughter bulls 2 percent, 
and feeders 87 percent.  The feeder supply included 28 percent steers, 48 
percent heifers, and 24 percent bulls. Near 21 percent of the run weighed over 
600 lbs.

Feeder Steers                Medium and Large 1 - 2
 Head   Wt Range   Avg Wt    Price Range   Avg Price
    3    200-238    225    190.00-200.00     192.96
    3    250-295    280    186.00-190.00     188.60
   16    305-344    336    180.00-190.00     185.36
   27    350-395    376    174.00-190.00     179.69
   12    405-446    429    170.00-180.00     175.66
   25    450-498    475    160.00-171.00     163.69
   10    500-545    518    153.00-165.00     160.94
   27    553-595    569    154.00-161.00     157.07
   21    605-649    626    141.00-154.00     150.21
    2    645-645    645       155.00         155.00   Value Added
   15    655-696    684    135.00-143.00     139.72
    3    675-675    675       145.00         145.00   Value Added
    3    710-730    717    131.00-140.00     136.94
    4    763-763    763       133.00         133.00
    2    780-780    780       134.00         134.00   Value Added
    6    806-828    813    130.00-133.00     131.98
    8    801-801    801       135.00         135.00   Value Added
    1    920-920    920       111.00         111.00
    1   1090-1090  1090       101.00         101.00
    1   1155-1155  1155        95.00          95.00
                             Small 1 - 2
    1    445-445    445       146.00         146.00
                             Medium and Large 2 - 3
    1    245-245    245       182.50         182.50
    2    270-275    273       175.00         175.00
    9    300-335    310    160.00-180.00     170.61
    2    365-370    368    161.00-163.00     162.01
    4    446-446    446       165.00         165.00
    3    470-488    482    145.00-155.00     151.75
    2    518-518    518       139.00         139.00
    2    555-580    568    144.00-153.00     148.40
    1    610-610    610       140.00         140.00
    2    660-665    663    120.00-129.00     124.48
                             Medium and Large 3
    1    595-595    595       114.00         114.00
    2    670-670    670       114.00         114.00
    1    740-740    740       108.00         108.00

Feeder Heifers                Medium and Large 1 - 2
 Head   Wt Range   Avg Wt    Price Range   Avg Price
    3    205-245    230    151.00-160.00     156.80
    5    270-290    283    158.00-166.00     163.30
   13    302-343    325    150.00-161.00     155.98
   51    350-395    376    146.00-160.00     154.48
   40    400-448    419    139.00-151.00     146.53
   58    453-496    479    140.00-150.00     144.31
   54    502-548    527    134.00-141.00     139.44
    2    500-500    500       143.00         143.00   Value Added
   50    550-599    571    130.00-139.00     136.81
    8    615-645    631    128.00-132.00     130.26
   28    653-678    659    126.00-130.00     128.91
    6    713-743    728    116.00-125.00     119.45
    3    755-755    755       120.00         120.00
    5    815-836    832    109.00-115.00     113.82
    5    860-870    868    107.00-110.00     107.59
                             Medium and Large 2 - 3
    2    220-220    220       127.50         127.50
    2    250-285    268    133.00-140.00     136.73
    2    325-325    325       150.00         150.00
   13    365-393    387    141.00-143.00     141.54
    5    423-435    430    132.00-136.00     135.19
    7    450-485    464    131.00-135.00     133.14
    3    515-523    520    129.00-131.00     129.66
    4    573-578    576    116.00-125.00     120.48
    2    605-640    623    123.00-126.00     124.46
    4    798-798    798       106.00         106.00
                             Medium and Large 3
    1    365-365    365       120.00         120.00
    2    428-428    428       126.00         126.00

Feeder Bulls                Medium and Large 1 - 2
 Head   Wt Range   Avg Wt    Price Range   Avg Price
   46    400-448    424    166.00-175.00     170.52
   38    453-498    470    155.00-173.00     163.03
   34    500-547    536    153.00-164.00     154.75
   17    550-595    581    141.00-155.00     147.36
    8    605-635    626    134.00-141.00     135.82
    8    668-690    682    124.00-126.00     124.50
    1    745-745    745       110.00         110.00
    2    775-775    775       117.00         117.00
    4    818-840    824       100.00         100.00
    6    858-858    858       100.00         100.00
                             Medium and Large 2 - 3
    7    410-445    424    150.00-161.00     156.52
    7    460-488    477    149.00-155.00     152.28
    8    500-545    529    130.00-152.00     137.35
    3    560-595    582    130.00-138.00     134.61
                             Medium and Large 3
    1    560-560    560       121.00         121.00

Slaughter Cows                Breaker 70-80% Lean
 Head   Wt Range   Avg Wt    Price Range   Avg Price
   17   1250-1365  1325     47.00-52.00       51.23
    6   1410-1490  1447     47.00-56.00       49.99
                               Boner 80-85% Lean
   48    900-1275  1171     46.00-55.00       49.19
    4   1250-1290  1274     57.00-60.00       58.00   High Dressing
    1   1345-1345  1345        46.00          46.00   Low Dressing
    2   1455-1460  1458     54.00-55.00       54.50
                                Lean 85-90% Lean
    9    888-1255  1038     40.50-46.00       42.15
   17    940-1205  1044     29.00-39.00       35.47   Low Dressing

Slaughter Bulls                Yield Grade 1-2
 Head   Wt Range   Avg Wt    Price Range   Avg Price
    1   1415-1415  1415        72.00          72.00
    5   1125-1375  1222     55.00-63.00       59.37   Low Dressing
    5   1570-1915  1760     71.00-80.00       73.93
    3   1560-2445  1933     63.00-67.00       65.08   Low Dressing

Source: TN Dept of Ag-USDA Market News Service, Nashville, TN
        Mack Moss, Market Reporter, 502-782-4139 