Floodwater brings congregations together for VBS

Friday, July 16, 2010
After floodwaters drove the congregation of Word of Faith Baptist Church from their church building, Tucker Street Church members shared their facilities. Last week, the two congregations joined together to host VBS for area children. The theme? Riding the Wave of God's Love!

"The floods have lifted up, O Lord. ... The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters ..." -- Psalm 93:3,4

Red and yellow, black and white. A diverse group of children participates in Splash-tastic Music on Coconut Island at a recent Vacation Bible School led by the Word of Faith Baptist and Tucker Street Church congregations.

Water has been a big influence on the congregations of Word of Faith Baptist and Tucker Street churches in the past two months.

When Word of Faith members lost their church building to rising floodwaters at the beginning of May, the Tucker Street congregation opened its doors to their brothers in Christ.

So when the two churches decided to join forces and present Vacation Bible School together, it is no surprise they chose a theme that celebrates water.

Last week, children throughout the community were invited to Ride the Wave of God's Love to a VBS titled Waterworks Park. Once there, they climbed the heights of Snow Mountain for Bible study, participated in Splash-tastic Music, ate a bite at the Snack Shack, watched puppet shows from their beach towels on Coconut Island and visited the Raging River for water games.

The event took place from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m., Tuesday through Thursday, July 6-8.

Tucker Street Church Pastor Matthews George and his wife, Anju, show participants of Waterworks Park VBS that the Raging River is not just for children.

As a diverse group of children - growing from 56 to 90 to 110 - learned the power of God's love, the adults behind the scenes were celebrating God's plan - together.

"Our church was displaced in the flood," said Word of Faith Baptist Church Bishop Bobby Nesbit. "God allowed us all to come together. To blend together and blend our churches together. Barriers are being broken, and it is just awesome."

"This opened up a great opportunity for us to be together in spite of our differences in worship styles and everything," said Tucker Street Church Pastor Matthews George. "We plan on doing missions work together in the community."

Abby Smith of Birmingham, Ala., right, rests for a moment with her friend, Caylon. Abby is in one of two families who drove up from Alabama to attend the Waterworks Park VBS.
Nevaeh Powell (heaven spelled backwards) worked hard not to blink for this photo. The 4-year-old was caught drinking juice at the Snack Shack during VBS.

Waterworks Park was an example of the cooperative spirit of the two congregations.

Marcus Gauldin served as lifeguard for the week, leading the children through songs and dances in the Splash-tastic Music session.

Songs included "God's Love Finds a Way," "I'll Worship You," "I'm Not Afraid," "Jesus I Will Follow You," "Be Strong" and the week's theme, "Splish-Splash, Bible Bash."

"The best part was watching all the kids do the moves," said Gauldin.

Two-year-old Emily Kate Jowers takes a dip during the water games and celebration on Thursday, July 8, the last evening of VBS.
Six-year-old Shania Perkins enjoys a little water play.

"(The best part was) getting wet!" said 11-year-old Quantonio Parchman.

"It was great," agreed 11-year-old Blake Evans.

Among all the fun, the lessons still hit home for VBS campers.

"You are shipwrecked when you don't pay attention," said 10-year-old Martavous Akins.

"You have to be patient when there is a long line," said 10-year-old Andre Wells. "And don't break."

Keisha Tate, 15, and Osha Ezell, 13, enjoyed catching some rays and playing in the water the most.

Word of Faith Baptist Church Bishop Bobby Nesbit pauses for a photo with youth advisors during Thursday evening's celebration. From left, Travis Ivory, Nesbit and O.C. Smith.

"God has a purpose and a reason for us coming together," said Nesbit. "Tucker Street opened their doors to us immediately. We didn't even have to change our service times. We had a fellowship meal together the first Monday in June and had a great time in the Lord. It has just really been wonderful. Words cannot express it."

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