
What is you favorite Christmas movie?

Do you believe Donald Trump will earn the support of the people during his presidency?

Which candidate will you vote for in the upcoming presidential election?

Which candidate do you believe will win the Democratic nomination?

Which candidate will win the Republican nomination for president?

Which team do you believe will win the Super Bowl?

Do you agree or disagree with removing the Confederate flag from all government buildings?

Do you believe Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the man convicted on all counts in the Boston bombings, should receive the death penalty?

Do you believe the red light system throughout the city of Dyersburg works well?

With gas prices falling below $2 a gallon for the first time since 2009, do you feel the cost will continue to decrease or begin to rise in the months ahead?

Were you surprised election results revealed the Democrats lost the Senate?

Do you plan on handing out candy this year to trick or treaters on Halloween?

Are you for or against the proposed Solar Farm being built on Craig Road in Dyer County?

Which candidate for Dyersburg City Mayor do you support in the upcoming November election?

Do you believe the 'bless you' incident at DCHS involved a violation of freedom of speech?

Do you think the expansion of I-69 will create more opportunities for Dyer County?

Which candidate do you support in the upcoming County Mayor's election?

Have you been watching any of the 2014 FIFA World Cup matches?

Do you believe the deal to release U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl from Taliban captivity in exchange for five former Taliban leaders from Guantanamo was justified?

Would you support a constitutional amendment that would give state lawmakers more power over abortions?