Dispute leads to shot fired and felony charge

Friday, July 26, 2024

Special to the State Gazette

A dispute with a neighbor and a worker over traffic issues Thursday afternoon, July 25, led to a shot being fired and a felony arrest.

David Roy Donnell, 62, of 1101 Pennell Lane, is charged with two counts of aggravated assault for the incident, according to a Dyersburg Police Department report. The charges occurred after Donnell allegedly pointed a rifle at his neighbor and a man working for that neighbor before firing into the ground. Donnell allegedly was aggravated due to the worker parking a truck and trailer in the roadway to unload a lawnmower.

The Dyersburg Police Department received a call to 1101 Pennell Lane at 1:53 p.m. of Donnell firing a shotgun into the ground, according to dispatch records. DPD officers arrived within three to four minutes of receiving the call.

Officers surrounded the house and started telling Donnell to come outside, the report read. Donnell came outside and was arrested after about five minutes. Police officers recovered a 35-caliber rifle with one spent shell casing and two live rounds.

“The officers did a great job,” DPD Chief Thomas Langford said. “They got there quickly and resolved the issue successfully to limit the danger to the neighborhood.”

Donnell is scheduled to be arraigned on the charges at 9 a.m. Friday in Dyersburg Municipal Court, according to the report.

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  • We really need a photo of this gun!

    -- Posted by 5th Rebel on Sat, Jul 27, 2024, at 7:22 AM
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