County Election Commission: Biden exit will not affect voting dates, procedures

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Dyer County Administrator of Elections Anita Fowlkes stated on Monday, July 22, that she had received confirmation from the State of Tennessee that President Joe Biden’s exit from the presidential race will alter neither voting dates nor voting procedures.

Fowlkes stated that just as before, too, “Tennessee has to receive names for the ballot by September the third.” She said that delegates at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) will make their final decision at the end of August.

Shortly after that announcement, it was widely reported that Tennessee has become the first state in which all of its Democratic delegates have pledged support for Vice-President Kamala Harris’s run for the presidency.

Chip Forrester, an at-large delegate to the convention and Co-Chair of the Biden-Harris Southern Finance Committee, has pledged his full support for Harris. He noted that “The campaign can transfer the $250 million [of campaign funds] to her, which would give her a strong advantage.”

Last week at the Republican National Convention, former President Donald Trump clinched his party’s nomination.

Early voting begins October 15 for the November 5 general election.

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