United Way of West Tennessee recognizes Top Giving Companies

Monday, July 22, 2024

Dyersburg — During the summer, United Way of West Tennessee hosts a celebratory event to recognize local companies and volunteers who contributed to the organization’s impact over the past year. This year, eight companies in Dyer County became a Top 30 Giving Company for their financial support during the 2023-24 campaign season.

Every fall, United Way invites local companies within its 15-county service area to rally with them to make West Tennessee a community where every individual can thrive. Through company campaigns, employees can financially support United Way with the assurance that their giving directly supports local nonprofits in their county or one of their own choosing.

“There is something so beautiful about seeing our community come together and collectively make such a positive impact,” said Stefania Wheeler, Northwest Director of Donor Development for United Way. “The work that we, and our partner agencies, do is too important to be done alone! We are so grateful for all our partnerships; together we thrive and flourish.”

In the nonprofit sector, every dollar counts, and every person’s donation impacts United Way’s ability to meet others’ needs. The organization is proud to serve Dyer County and appreciates its partnership with this community.

“I am proud of these Dyersburg companies and their employees that were recently recognized by United Way of West Tennessee as top giving companies during the 2023-2024 Campaign, said Mayor John Holden of the City of Dyersburg. “The City of Dyersburg was the #9 most giving organization and the #1 most giving government in the 15 counties served by United Way. I am appreciative of the city employees’ support of United Way which benefits many in our community.”

Below is a list of the local companies in Dyer County in addition to their contribution during this past year:

#2) First Citizen’s National Bank – West Tennessee: $153,949.23

#9) City of Dyersburg: $37,716

#10) Ford Construction: $26,661.63

#11) Security Bank – West Tennessee: $20,700.65

#15) DOT Foods: $10,482

#20) Hexpol: $7,753.52

#21) Nortek Global HVAC: $7,444.24

#29) Firestone Airide: $5,212

If your local company would like to partner with United Way through a company campaign, contact Stefania Wheeler at swheeler@united way.tn.org.

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