Dyer County School Board OKs policy changes, purchase of buses

Saturday, September 10, 2022
The Dyer County Board of Education convened Tuesday evening at the Milton Magee Auditorium. The board reviewed agenda items including the consideration of approval of policies under first and second readings and the consideration of a new policy. Additionally the board approved the purchase of four new school buses.
State Gazette/Meryl Campbell



The Dyer County Board of Education convened Tuesday evening, September 6, at the Milton Magee Auditorium for their regularly scheduled board meeting. Agenda items included the review and consideration of policies. A supplemental agenda was provided to consider the approval of purchasing buses for the school system’s transportation department.

All board members were present at Tuesday evening’s meeting as well as Cheryl Mathis, Dyer County Schools Director. Board Chairman Dr. Jeremy Gatlin welcomed newly elected board member Andrew Grills.

Policy updates

The Board reviewed policies in the second reading and approved all by a motion from board members Sherrill Armstrong and second by Keith Anderson. Policies in the second reading included the following:

• Student Disciplinary Authority (Policy JCCA)

• Alternative School Program (Policy JCCE)

• Credit Recovery (Policy JCR)

• Immunizations (Policy JGCB)

• Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Policy JGCCC)

• Adrenal Insufficiency (Policy IDEH)

Mathis then reviewed the policies under the first reading and board members voted on each one separately.

• Student Communicable Diseases (Policy JGD)

Mathis noted only a slight change in verbiage to the text and legal references. She stated the statutes and regulations did not specify the person for referral, and a change to add the principal of school was recommended. Additionally it was noted a change of expenses accrued from examinations requested by school officials shall be paid by the Board of Education.

On a motion made by Steve Dodds, seconded by Tara Gibson, the motion carried.

• Reporting Child Abuse (Policy JGFE)

Mathis noted the policy was added in February of 2021. She added there was no change in verbiage to the text though legal references were changed.

On a motion made by Gibson, seconded by Patricia McCreight, the motion carried.

• Student Solicitations/ Fundraising Activities (Policy JHA)

Mathis noted changes to verbiage including the addition of an instructional program, property, equipment, and salaries, and legal references changed. She added that online and non-educational purposed fundraising are optional though must be included in policies. Provisions for online fundraising must be provided, though an employee shall not engage in online fundraising in their official capacity as a district employee nor make any reference to non-school sponsored fundraisers online or otherwise that would lead another to believe that such an activity is an approved school fundraiser. Fundraising for non-educational purposes, on approval of principal, may be authorized for the following, though not limited to: bereavement support, board recognition, employee morale, and banquets.

On a motion made by Anderson, seconded by Armstrong, the motion carried.

• Student Publications (Policy JHCC)

Mathis noted changes to include legal references.

On a motion made by Armstrong, seconded by McCreight, the motion carried.

• Charitable Activities (Policy JKA)

According to Mathis, Policy JKA was approved by the district board in 1993 and has been outdated since its addition. The policy allowed donation to charitable organizations based on academic performance in testing and other areas.

Mathis added, “Personally I do not see the need for this policy, but if you all want to keep it in place we will certainly do that.”

On a motion made by Mike McLaughlin, seconded by Dodds, the board voted to delete the policy. With no board members opposed the motion carried to delete Policy JKA.

• Enrollment of Advanced Courses (Policy JCS)

Mathis noted that the new policy stated that advanced courses have been offered for some time, but a policy must address the procedures for that. Students in grades 7-12 may enroll in advanced courses including but not limited to: Advanced Language Arts, Mathematics, or Science courses.

On a motion made by Anderson, seconded by Childress, the motion carried.

Bus purchases

In a supplemental agenda, a consideration of purchasing four school buses with the option of purchasing another bus if money permits was presented to the board.

Mathis said one bid came in at $144,915 for each bus.

“We would like to buy four of those and we want to go ahead and do it, because typically this bid will last one year and the price lasts 15 days. They will not be delivered until July of 2023. Last year’s price was $107,223.”

Dyer County Schools Business and Finance Manager Wendy Smith stated the funds would come out of the Transportation Fund and were allocated in the budget towards the purchase of buses. She added the service of buses is based on state standards of a 15-year service span.

On a motion made by McLaughlin, seconded by Childress, the motion carried.

In closing, the board reviewed a lengthy list of various system updates and thanked William May for his 40 years of service to the school district.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

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