Election commission picks 4 applicants to interview for administrator post

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Dyer County Election Commission has chosen four applicants to interview for the position of election administrator trainee.

Last month, Dyer County Election Administrator Jane Heathcott announced her decision to retire by the year's end. Election commissioners were then presented with the task to find someone who could fill Heathcott's position, which she has held for the past 40 years. Fourteen applicants turned in resume/applications for the job of administrator trainee, with the hopes of ultimately becoming administrator.

Chairman Joe Enoch had all of the election commissioners score the applicants and submit their scores to him. The commissioners all acknowledged their scores were represented on a list during a called meeting on Friday. None of the commissioners saw how the others scored the applicants, only how they were scored.

The applicants that received the top scores and a chance to interview for the position are: Michael Campbell, Teresa Evans, Anita Fowlkes and Kim Hill.

Enoch reminded the commissioners they did not necessarily have to hire any of the applicants they have chosen to interview. They could decide to open the application process back up or go a different route to find a candidate.

The commissioners made the decision to interview the four applicants this week.

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